sábado, 28 de setembro de 2024

Social Science - The Revolt of 1857 - Questions and Answers -. Answer the following questions in not more than 40 words.

1. What were the political causes of the Revolt of 1857? 
Answer 1.
(I) The British land - revenue policies angered many chiefs and landlords by robbingthemoftheir power and privileges. 
(ii) The British annexed territories on the basis of the subsidiary alliance andtheDoctrineofLapse , and by dis continuing the titles and pensions of rulers. 
(iii) They deposed Nawab Wajid Ali Sha of Awadh on grounds of misgovernment. 
(iv) The descendants of Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II .

2. What was Awadh annexed? Why was this looked upon as an act of betrayal? 
Answer 2. Awadh was annexed by the British on grounds of misgovernment. Wajid Ali Shah, theruler, was deposed and exiled to Calcutta. This was looked upon as an act of betrayal since he had always been loyal to the British and had honoured their terms.

3. Why did the Revolt of 1857 fail? 
Answer 3. The Revolt of 1857 failed because of the following reasons:- 
(I) The British had the support of a strong government in England. 
(ii) Besides, their administrative centres in India were well connected by railways, roadsandtelegraph lines. 
(iii) The British also had able generals and superior military techniques. 
(iv) The Indian military techniques were outdated. 
(v) The rebel leaders lacked experience and coordination, and they failed to consolidatetheirgains.

4. Discuss why the Revolt of 1857 can be called a war of independence. 
Answer 4.
(i) The Revolt begain with the mutiny of the sepoys but was soon transformedintoapopularrevolt when people from different sections of the society spontaneously joinedin. 
(ii) This is evident from the fact that out of the estimated lakhs of people killedintheRevoltand most of them were civilians. 
(iii) The India unite under Bahadur Shah II for a short while to win freedomfromforeignrule.
(iv) This support the argument that the Revolt was indeed a war of independence.

5. What did the British do to win the loyalty of the orthodox Indians after the Revolt of 1857? 
Answer 5. 
(i)The Queen’s Proclamation of 1858 promised noninterference in India’s religiousandsocial customs. 
(ii) This meant that the British would no longer take interest in social and religiousreform.
(iii) They hoped this would win them the loyalty of the orthodox Indians after theRevoltof1857.

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