quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2024

Math - Emilio is 1 year 7 months old and Brooke is 2 years 8 months old.

Emilio is 1 year 7 months old and Brooke is 2 years 8 months old. How much older is Brooke than Emilio? 
a. 1 year 1 month 
b. 2 years 
c. 1 month 
d. 1 year 2 months

Answer: a. 1 year 1 month 

Subtract the months first, then the years. Remember that it is best to write the problem in columns and subtract the right-most column (months) first, then the left-most column (years): 8 months − 7 months = 1 month; 2 years − 1 year = 1 year. So, Brook is 1 year 1 month older than Emilio.

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