sábado, 28 de setembro de 2024

Social Science - The Revolt of 1857 - Questions and Answers - Answer the following questions in not more than 100 words.

1. What were the economic causes of the Revolt of 1857? 
Answer 1. (i) Under the new land-revenue settlements, many zamindars lost their lands. (ii) Peasants were made poorer by high rates of taxes and rigid collection. (iii) The British policies ruined Indian handicraft industries and agriculture. (iv) Famines became a regular feature and The Indian rulers who lost their power couldno longer patronise the traditional Indian crafts. (v) Their armies, too, were disbanded. Many artisans and soldiers thus becameunemployed.

2. Discuss why the sepoys were discontended. 
Answer 2.
(i) The rising discontent in the country was reflected in the behaviour of the sepoys. 
(ii) The sepoys were discontended because their salaries and opportunities of promotionwere not equal to those of the British soldiers. 
(iii) Even the special allowance that was given to them when they were sent towar wasdiscontended. 

3. How was the policy of divide and rule implemented in the Indian army after the Revolt of1857?
Answer 3.
(i) The British pursued the policy of divide and rule to prevent the Indians fromuniting. 
(ii) They followed a policy of deliberate discrimination against the Muslimcommunity. 
(iii) To remove all prospects of revolts, the army was reorganised so as to keepit well underBritish control. (iv) The proportion of European soldiers to Indian soldiers was increased. 
(v) Strategic military positions and military equipments were in control of Europeansoldierand officers. 
(vi) They now recruited more soldiers from among the sikhs, Gurkhas, Pathans,jatsetcwhoremained neutral or had helped the British during revolt.

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